
Saturday, 12 January 2013

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was told going into this one (my many people) to have the Kleenex handy. I did, and I needed them. I wonder if anyone has thought to tell authors it is hard to read their books with tears in your eyes.

I loved this story so much. It was not your usual high school drama boy meets girl love story – it was so much more. The characters are hard not to fall in love with. Echo's life was seemingly perfect once. Now all she wants is to be "normal." It was heartbreaking watching her go through her days trying not to be noticed, trying to hide herself, and doing things she did not want to do just so she could maybe feel normal again, if only for a little while. I really enjoyed Echo's transformation throughout the story. You can actually see her grow emotionally with each turn of the page.

Noah is a girl-using stoner boy and jacket-loaning savior. But, there is so much more to Noah than what you see on the outside. He has the tough bad-boy image going on, but inside he is so full of love and strength. He is not afraid to fight for what he believes in. I thought Echo's and Noah's relationship was done well. The author took them on a journey of ups and downs, joy, fear, pain, and self-discovery before she finally brought them together. Because of the things they had to go through, it made the end result that much sweeter. Katie McGarry is definitely a new favorite author of mine. I cannot wait for Beth's story to find out more about her and see where her life goes.

View all my reviews

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