
Sunday, 5 May 2013

Kissing Fire by A.M. Hargrove

Kissing FireKissing Fire by A.M. Hargrove
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We first met Preston in Shattered Edge. He was this super secretive, mysterious guy – the sister of protagonist Terri Mitchell. Finding out he was an undercover DEA agent and that their lives were in danger, his family had to be relocated and put under witness protection. In Kissing Fire, we are allowed to get inside Preston's head and see his life for how it really is. Super sexy undercover DEA agent, superhero who gets the bad guys and saves the day…this might be his life, but he had to pay an incredibly high price for it. When his job once again gets in the way of his life, he has some serious choices to make.

I absolutely love Preston. He is this remarkably sexy, amazingly sweet guy. On the outside he seems to have everything under control, but he has some incredible skeletons in his closet. Reading through his story I just wanted to fold him in my arms and never let him go. We also met Ava a couple books back, but we were never really given the chance to get to know her. When she meets Preston, sparks fly…and bullets. Caught up in his deadly life, she has to decide what it is she truly wants and what she cannot live without.

In this book we are re-introduced to some old friends from the first two books in the Edge series as well as some new friends. Enter Melissa. She is awesome. There are no other words for her. She brings not just a touch of humor to the story, but the rolling on the floor laughing type of humor. She is awesome. Yes, I said it twice because she deserves it. Ms. Hargrove, please write a book about Melissa.

Though Kissing Fire is the third book in the Edge series by A.M. Hargrove, it is also a stand alone. The author does an excellent job of going over past details so that if you have not read the first two, you will still get the full impact of this story. However, I would suggest you read the first two simply for the background knowledge you would gain and the fact that they are just as good as this one.

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