
Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Love, Lies, and Deception by L.P. Dover

Love, Lies, and DeceptionLove, Lies, and Deception by L.P. Dover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love it when a story draws you in and makes you think of nothing else. You fall in love with the characters, the story well written and well thought out, and you just want to keep reading to see how it is going to play out. The only problem is...just when you think you have it all figured out – BAM – the author throws in a twist you could not possibly have seen coming. This could work in two ways for the author: 1) The twist is too unbelievable to even really consider and you just to roll your eyes and take solace in the fact that the first part of the story was good; or 2) The twist turns what was a great story into an exceptional story. The latter is what happened with Love, Lies, and Deception. I was just reading away, thinking I had it all figured out, completely oblivious to the fact that my whole was about to change. Okay, maybe I am being a bit dramatic – my whole world didn't change, it just seems like it should have.

What do you do when the one person you thought you knew turns out to be the one you knew the least?

Love, Lies, and Deception is the story of Marissa, a college student looking forward to graduation and the next stage of her life. Marissa is pretty much your typical 23-year-old woman – she studies hard, she likes to party, she has great friends and a good life. There is really nothing to make her stand out from the next girl, so when she is the victim of an attempted attack not once, but twice, in a relatively short time period, questions are raised. When the truth comes out, no one is more surprised than Marissa (except maybe me!).

I really can't go into any of the plot without giving things away, but I can tell you that that this story is definitely worth reading. Let me just say that the characters were all great and well written. The author gave us enough to get a feel for them and their individual personalities. The plot was extremely complicated but organized, and I didn't feel at the end that there were any major questions left uncovered.

Thank you to L.P. Dover for providing me a copy of your book.

View all my reviews

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