
Monday, 9 December 2013

Always Remember by Sheila Seabrook

Always Remember (A Rocky Mountain Romance, #1)Always Remember by Sheila Seabrook
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Always Remember is the story of Jessie and Nate. Jessie left home 17 years ago to follow her dreams. She made a life for herself and stayed away, knowing she could never have what she really wanted – to change the past and erase her mistakes. Nate is afraid of losing Jessie again – along with the rest of his heart and everything else that is good in his life.

I loved all of the characters in this story. They showed a lot of emotion and were fun to read about. I loved Nate and Jessie's playfulness when they were together. You could feel the strain of their relationship coming through the pages, but they were so good for each other. Both had made mistakes and were living with the guilt of their choices, which constantly threatened to drag them down and apart. The overall theme of the story seemed to be love and redemption. Each of the major characters had to learn how to face their mistakes and take responsibility for them. They had to learn to stand up for themselves and what they wanted/needed, better late than never.

The author's writing was clean and simple, but so descriptive she was able to bring the story to life. From the background scenery to the smells and sounds described, each page drew me in and made everything just a bit more real.

My only complaint is that I would have liked to have more resolution with the ending. But wanting more is a good thing, right? I felt the ending really did not bring closure to the story like I would have wanted and I was left with too many unanswered questions. First is what happened to Jessie's mother? While she did not play a huge role in the story that we read, she had played a huge role in Jessie and Nate's lives before we met them, and her influence was everywhere. Second is what happened with Sara and Hale? I kind of felt left hanging with that relationship. Overall, though, it was a great story and a lot of fun to read.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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